Great Neighbours
Neighbourhood Watch means different things to different people but what it's definitely not about is fear mongering, nosy-parkers and curtain twitching.
Quite the contrary.
It's knowing who your neighbours are. It's knowing that we are all part of a community that look out for each other. It's keeping each other safe. It's looking out for each others kids, or grannies and granddads. It's knowing who in your street is vulnerable and may need a hand from time to time.
It's being aware of the dangers that unfortunately do lurk. It's about being part of one big family and it's about staying safe.
It's about caring; for ourselves, our families, our community, our town.
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Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
John Stuart Mill
Neighbourhood Watch is all about neighbourliness and a great resource to use for connecting with real neighbours in your actual street, is Nextdoor . This is a free social platform that has none of the hype and fuss of other social platforms although it does have a quite surprising number of "lost cat" posts! You can get your street communicating by forming a group (and chances are there is already a group you can join). Neighbours share alerts, news, funnies, swap and sell, form interest groups and connect in a very local way. NHW can be found on Nextdoor at the Police Station.
*** Like all things on the web, please don't ever share sensitive personal info with anyone over the internet - be scam savvy and alert! ***