We were made aware this morning that there are fake security emails doing the rounds again, the most recent one from Co-Operative Bank.
Co-Operative Bank advises:

"We have been made aware of a fake Co-operative bank email in circulation which asks you to click on a link to complete a security upgrade. It’s a scam.
If you receive this email, don’t click on any links and forward it to ihaveseenascam@co-operativebank.co.uk
To be as scam savvy as possible, please visit Trading Standards Friends Against Scams and complete their online learning https://www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/training/friends-elearning
You can also join a s Friend and help to spread awareness and knowledge which is the only way to avoid becoming a victim.
If you have been targeted in a scam, or become a victim to a scam, please report this to Actionfraud https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/
Actionfraud also offer excellent advice on how to protect yourself online which can be found here https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/individual-protection
and for businesses here https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/business-protection
Stay Savvy and Safe